When a ship's hull value reaches zero, it becomes uncontrollable and is overwhelmed by explosions as it starts to fall apart as this happens, all system ratings start an irreversible drop towards zero (including the number of living crew). The number of living crew on the ship works the same way (if too many of your ship's crew are killed, it starts to react more slowly to your orders). that, as they take damage or are repaired, range from 100 (fully functional) to zero (irreparably destroyed). Collapsing Lair: All ships have ratings for their various subsystems weapons, shields, warp drive, etc.The final mission has you taking on and destroying Melkor, also in orbit of Qo'noS. Bookends: The game starts with Chang stopping an attempted coup by Melkor's older brother Kalnor, and killing him in orbit of Qo'noS.Bittersweet Ending: While the game ends with you successfully ending Melkor's attempted coup, the Empire has suffered massive infrastructure damage, is being forced to overmine the moon of Praxis to keep things up and running, and Torlek is assigned to a deep-space exploratory mission, after which he never sees Chang again.Big Bad: Melkor takes up this role after his brother is killed.Note that even Gorkon's more militaristic predecessor didn't go this far after Melkor's elder brother attempted his own coup the previous year. Beware the Nice Ones: Gorkon may be one of the more diplomatic and reasonably-minded members of the Klingon leadership from this era, but even he doesn't hesitate to order Melkor's entire family executed for the damage his attempted coup inflicted on the Empire.

This in turn sets up another example in the sixth film, as the only other place with enough dilithium to serve the Empire's needs is the moon of Praxis, which goes kablooie at the start of that film. In the latter stages of the game you get an all-too-real example of this trope, when Melkor uses a supernova weapon on the star system that is responsible for the production of 80% of all the Klingon Empire's dilithium.The final academy mission features what can only be described as General Chang's wet dream of an assault on Earth, which ends with the Klingons unleashing a modified Genesis Device which rips apart matter at the molecular level, without bothering with that tricky "rearranging it into life-sustaining patterns" stuff.In the game, entering any kind of atmosphere while above one-quarter impulse will cause damage, and doing so with shields down will exacerbate the problem. All There in the Manual: Colonel Poktarl's biography describes how one of his earlier commanders made the near-fatal mistake of trying to evade a Romulan squadron by diving into a gas giant's atmosphere at full impulse while cloaked (which necessarily meant his shields were down).