Also with all the doppelgänger scenes, you always still saw from their movements and behaviour which character was which though they were in disguise in a different body. And I loved it! Last but not least, the acting was brilliant! The tense atmosphere between Harry, Ron and Hermione really came across. Now the soundtrack, too, has finally grown up. This also expresses itself in the decision not to include the childish Harry Potter musical theme (at least I didn't hear it, correct me if I'm wrong) from the first movie that sounds like "Wow, everything's so magical here!" That tune was fine for the first movie, but as Harry got older and the movies got darker, it kind of felt like they had to force this theme into every movie several times even though it didn't really fit any more. This HP movie was the first of all that finally gave me the same feeling as Lord of the Rings did: Boy, this is not just some guys slavishly adapting a book into a movie, but they're actually autonomous artists and they have ideas of their own! And I don't mean they changed the whole plot (I wouldn't like that)! But (mostly visually) they did more than just bring across what's in the book. Also the drawing style that was used during the story was really amazing. As the book is split into 2 parts, all of a sudden, there's also time for little embellishments I hadn't realized I had missed in the earlier movies! For example, I loved the scene so much where the feather floated through the air when the fairy tale of the Three Brothers was being told. Well, I'm always a big fan of the blurring of these clearcut good/evil categories in Fantasy. You can see them interacting with each other, discussing and well. They are no longer just anonymous caped figures. I love the way Voldemort and the Death Eaters are portrayed in this movie. HP7 can take time to explain and introduce all the characters that are necessary to the plot. However, I must say it was definitely a wise decision to split the 7th book into 2 movies. But HP6 was such a patchwork of scenes that didn't give you the feeling of a coherent work - I was afraid the even more complex story line of HP7 would make an even less coherent movie. I guessed it would be darker and scarier, as every HP movie has been darker and scarier than its predecessor.

After having seen HP6, I honestly didn't have great expectations in this one.